Are You Training OR Just Working Out?
Are you training…or are you just working out?
If you go into any regular gym/facility, you’ll see plenty of people just going through the motions: Taking long breaks, on their cell phones, doing only the exercises they like, etc.
And when they do a certain lift or exercise, it usually is slow and lacks intensity and purpose.
Training should be sharp and focused, and the intensity should be above the normal baseline of life.
Those are some of the differences between working out and TRAINING.
When you train, you have a set plan. You have a specific goal that you want to achieve during that session that coincides with the previous session and the following training session. It’s not just — “This one made me tired, so I got a good workout.” What’s the big picture for the training?
Doing random workouts is a great way to ensure your progress is random.
Here are Complete Performance Athletics, we say:
We handle the plan for you. You show up consistently, attack the session, have fun, return and do it again. Going through the motions is for those that just want to check a box and work out. When you’re here, you TRAIN!